I'm reflecting on each of these chapters of my life now because this week a new one will begin to unfold. Last Wednesday I said goodbye to Terp as she finished out her time here on the ground in Lesotho as Beautiful Gate's North American Ambassador. She and I will still travel together and advocate for BG later this year, but until July I am flying solo for the first time in the team leading aspect of this job. God has made it so clear that this is the role He wants me in. Every chapter of my life has led to this one. Because of that I have full confidence that He will equip and prepare me to do this job with excellence and for His glory. But I also have confidence because He spent the last 5 months preparing me via an incredible teacher/trainer/mentor/predecessor/friend/etc.
Terp, this post goes out to you. It's my opportunity to thank you and recognize you in front of all those who are loving and supporting me in this role. It's my way of shining a light on the incredible impact you've had on Beautiful Gate's legacy and on the lives of each and every child we've had in our care while you were here. I know you don't want this kind of recognition, and I don't say it to boost your pride or to convince others you're a superhero. I say it because in and of yourself you didn't do anything. I say it because you allowed God to use you, to work in and through you, for His glory. I say it because your presence reflected Jesus to every child, staff member, and volunteer at Beautiful Gate. I say it not to make your name great, but to make God's name great! Your journey with BG is a testament to all of us of what God can accomplish if we are humbled before Him, willing and ready to follow wherever He leads. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example for me as I move into this position. Thank you for your leadership, training, and all you did to prepare me to do this job. Thank you for your friendship and the constant love, support, and encouragement that comes with knowing you. Thank you.
Terp, your fingerprint will forever be on Beautiful Gate. The joy and laughter your brought will never be forgotten. I'm so grateful to God for providing you to help make me ready to fill in your shoes, to grab the baton, and to continue growing the ministry and community God used you to start building.
Molimo a o hlohonolofatse, makhotsioaka!

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